Avail Veterans shop

Welcome back, we are happy to see you again.

At the Avail Veterans shop, you may use your Blue Cross credit to acquire a vaporizer as well as the worlds best 510 batteries up to $400.00 at checkout or scoop up qualifying 510 batteries at no cost to you by simply clicking on the checkout button.

If the product you have selected shows a value of more than $400.00, the difference will be owed prior to shipment. To pay for the difference, please send an Interact E-transfer to hello@availcannabis.ca with your name in the subject section.

Note** Qualifying 510 batteries are marked as $0

$400.00 Blue Cross credits are available every 3 calendar years unless you have lost or damaged your device , lost or damaged devices can be replaced within the 3 calendar years.

 Happy shopping